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HockeyStats Bot

A Discord bot dedicated to providing live-updating, accurate hockey stats in your Discord server!

HockeyStats pulls live-updating, accurate stats directly from the NHL’s website. Whether its the latest games you want, or who won the Stanley Cup back in 1962, this bot is for you!

Now with support for Discord Slash commands, its easier then ever to make requests! Whether its for Fantasy, Trivia, or just trying to prove a friend wrong, HockeyStats Bot will fit perfectly in your hockey server or community!

Like the bot, and want to suppport its development? Donate here!

Get an overview of the day's games, and scores!

Day Summary command example
Player Info command example

Trivia, and random facts about teams, players, drafts and so much more!

Keep tabs on the performance of you favourite players!

Player Stats command example

These barely scratch the surface of what the bot can do. With an ever growing list of commands, its capabilities will only get better!
So add the bot, and join the community!